What we offer at SAHA
Acupuncture & Healing Arts
At Shraddha Acupuncture & Healing Arts, we offer acupuncture and non-needle acu techniques to balance the body's energy systems. Here we blend modern and ancient healing arts. We use clinically proven techniques such as Bioflex Laser, micro-currents and Neuro-Acupuncture. Also, an ancient forms of needling passed down through a Korean monastic tradition is used for pyscho-emotional healing. Since our main goal is to balance your body, mind and spirit, we use a remarkable tool called The AcuGraph to help guide our treatments. We look forward to serving you!
How It Works
Transformation can be simple.
First We Graph You
First we graph your meridians to get the state of your bodies energy systems. We are one of the only providers of AcuGraph in Toronto. By seeing where your energy system is at, we can create clear plan for your healing. You can learn more about the AcuGraph here.
Then We Create a Treatment Plan
Secondly, based on what the graph shows, we create a treatment plan to support your healing. We continue to scan your meridians monthly to make sure we are
moving towards balance. Not only will you feel the changes, but you can SEE them as well. As they say, seeing is believing!
Chose your Own Adventure
Not everyone loves needles, and we have solutions for you. You benefit from ancient practices and but also modern wonders that are painless and effective. We have tools that are clinically proven like the Bioflex laser or Neuro-Acupuncture which helps release neurotransmitters and endorphins to support relaxation and pain relief.
Healing is a Relationship
As humans we heal in relationship. At SAHA, the utmost care is given to create the best atmosphere where you are heard and cared for. We educate you so that you can understand your healing plan of action. In this way, your enthusiasm and motivation to heal stay high. At SAHA, we are together with you on your journey.
Our clients' stories
You’re feeling off. You know good health is available to you, and u think you are doing the right things…but something is missing. The world is overwhelming and anxiety has you in its grip. We can help!
Why Choose Acupuncture & Healing Arts?
It can help with
Acupuncture has been shown to be an effective treatment for various types of pain, including chronic pain, headaches, and migraines.
Stress and Anxiety
Acupuncture has been found to be an effective treatment for reducing stress and anxiety, promoting relaxation, and improving overall mood.
Digestive Issues
Acupuncture has been shown to be an effective treatment for digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, and acid reflux.
Women's Health
Acupuncture can help with menstrual issues, fertility, and menopausal symptoms.
Immune System Support
Acupuncture can help support and strengthen the immune system, helping to prevent illness and promote overall health and well-being.
Addiction Recovery
Acupuncture can be an effective part of addiction recovery, helping to reduce cravings and promote relaxation and stress relief.
Meet Your Practitioner
Sangeeta Kumar is passionate about bringing ancient and modern tools together to promote healing . She holds a Masters in Education and has studied Lifestyle Medicine for over 30 years. As a Licensed Acupuncturist she is excited to share clinically researched tools with ancient spiritual techniques to bring about inner and outer peace. Always a student and ready to learn, she’s eager to meet you and walk with you together on your journey .